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Italian Network for Lagoon Research

Italian Network for Ecological Research in Coastal Zone and Transitional Areas

LaguNet Assembly: May 23rd 2014 - Pisa

Friday, 23 May, 2014 - 14:30
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Biology Department - University of Pisa
  Pisa  Pisa
The Assembly of LaguNet was held At 14.30 on May 23, 2014, on second call, at the Department of Biology, University of Pisa .
Alberto Castelli, as President, opened the meeting by recalling the points included in the notice convening the agenda:
1. Communications;
2. Report of the President;
3. Balance sheet 2013
4. Budget 2014
5. LaguNet Congress;
6. Connections with the Lagoon Municipalities network;
7. Any Other.
Assembly report is attached here.
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